Please join us every Saturday morning for an informal get-together at the US Coast Guard Auxiliary Station in Fairfield. Everyone is welcome, club members and other hams as well as individuals interested in becoming a ham. People begin arriving around 9:30 AM & leave sometime after 11 AM. This is an opportunity to operate the club station and have "eyeball" contact with other hams.
The location is at the US Coast Guard Auxiliary Station at the end of Turney Rd, Fairfield, CT 06824. During the summer season ask for a Radio Club pass at the guard shack unless you have a Fairfield beach sticker.
Our annual business meeting is postponed until later in the year in order to avoid complications with OCVID-19 virus.
FARA will gain provide communications support for the annual half-marathon. Hams will be stationed at each of the mileposts and at the command trailer. Email Jeff Cronin, KB1LZ to volunteer.
Amateur Radio Operators Provide Significant Support to the NOAA Skywarn Program. Check these websites:
At the USCGAS - 9:30 AM. Informal get-together to discuss events of the week and get on the air with our HF, VHF/UHF and DMR rigs.
June 27-28, 2020
We will provide support again in June, 2020.
The FARA Net is held on our repeaters every Tuesday at 7:30 pm. The repeater details are:
Frequency: 146.625 MHz
Offset: -600KHz
PL: 74.4 Hz
Frequency: 440.450 MHz
Offset: +5.0 MHz
PL: 107.2 Hz